
System Screenshot

The following screenshots offer a sneak preview of what is on offer when you subscribe and start using our software. The screenshots do not serve to show you everything the system has to offer and we therefore encourage you all to take advantage of our 30 day unrestricted free trial of the software. We believe in our product and we think you will too. If we were still estate agents, this isn't the sort of software we would want our competitors to be using.

Please remember that territories are assigned on a postcode by postcode basis and is strictly on a first come first served.

Screenshot 1

On this page you will see all of the properties for the postcode area you are subscribed for. You can see all properties regardless of the property status. We list properties for sale, sold, to let, let agreed, withdrawn properties and even properties that have fallen through. In addition to this, we also display the price history and indicate properties that have been reduced in price. We display the marketing history and indicate when a property has fallen through and we also highlight properties that are on with more than one estate agent.

You will notice many other features on this page such as the search criteria section etc however, it is not necessary to introduce you to these features at this stage as we cover everything in the tutorial.

Screenshot 2

The property prospector is a feature that will show you which properties are about to come onto the market in your area and in some cases, before an estate agent has even been instructed. You can see from the information in this screenshot that we are able to provide you with the full address.

Screenshot 3

The following screenshot shows how it is possible to send a letter to new prospects with a view to winning the business before another estate agent is instructed.

Screenshot 4

The following screenshot shows you what you will see when you click on the show possible addresses button. The show possible addresses feature allows you to determine if this is a new prospect or whether the property is already on the market. The number in brackets on each button indicates the number of properties that have been on the market in the same location and in some cases, still on the market. The popup window displays properties in date order so if the date next to the show possible addresses button is different to the date shown for the first few properties in the popup window, you are probably looking at a new prospect rather than a property that is already on the market with another estate agent.

Screenshot 5

Our patent pending applicant mapping technology is best described by looking at the following screenshot. Our software uses the applicant data you enter into the system to build a virtual chain based on your applicants requirements. The technology will even map your applicants to properties not yet on the market with you. The system will also allow you to automate letters and emails to vendors not yet on the market with you and provide them with access to a control panel where they can see for themselves the numbers of people you have matched to their property. This is a great marketing tool for anybody wanting to win business away from another estate agent or to encourage withdrawn properties back onto the market. It can also be used to win new instructions as you’ll be the only agent in your area to have access to this technology. One of the most exciting features about this software is the ability to register applicants you wouldn’t otherwise have had which as we all know, can lead to other opportunities.

Screenshot 6

The following screenshot is a visual of what you will see as your applicants are mapped to properties not yet on the market with you. If you look at the buyers waiting column you will see a button that says “View 2 Buyer(s)”. This is how you can identify how many applicants you have whose search criteria matches properties that are either withdrawn from the market or on with another estate agent.

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